Work In Schools
I've worked in over 2,500 primary and secondary schools in 20 different countries
Reading from “Ian Billings’ Lost Property”
If you’re a teacher, a head, a guardian, a parent, a dinner supervisor or anyone connected with schools this is the page for you!
“Best thing I’ve seen in this school in thirty years!”
Iain Blaxall, Teacher, Norwich School, England

I have worked in over 2500 schools in 20 different countries delivering creative writing workshops and my stand-up literacy show.
I try to fit in as many schools as my writing schedule allows and I love doing them!
“The students are still talking about it and we all went to work to develop interesting characters and settings in order to publish some interesting stories.
I personally noticed an improvement in several students’ writing due
to the details they included. This they remembered from you and I thank you.”
Mimi Attia, Le Rosey, Rolle, Switzerland
My Visits Are Usually a Mixture of All or Any of The Following
30 Minutes
Workshops For 6 And Under
Knees, Nose and Toes – How to create and draw a new character
60 Minutes
Workshops for 6 to 11 years
Character Building – secrets of how to make a compelling character
Know Your Place – how to build a fascinating story location
Finding the Plot – the nuts and bolts of narrative structure
30 & 45 Minutes
“Dumbs Up!” the stand-up literacy show for 6 to 11 years – 45 minutes
“Chuckle Time!” – the storytelling show for 6 and under – 30 minutes